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Property Detail
Input Date 2024-10-21 OP Date  
Usage Warehouse Exp Year  
District Yuen Long Contact MS CHIU, MR KAN
Street (Eng)   Phone Number 93688958, 91685628
Street (Chi) 大樹下西路~內有石屋 Facing  
Building (Eng)   Layout  
Building (Chi)   Decoration  
Floor / Block Number   /   Remarks  
Property No.:  002219
Gross Area 7300 ft² Saleable Area 7300 ft²
Selling Price 13.140M    Mortgage Price per ft² (GFA / SA) $1,800 / $1,800
Rental -- Rental per ft² (GFA / SA) -- / --
Profile has been viewed: 1070
Gross Area (ft²)
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